Friday, September 26, 2008

Biscoito Maria & A Cookie Called Maria

Oi gente, tudo bem? Ontem o papai me apresentou a uma guloseima que ele gostava muito quando pequeno: Biscoito Maria. Ele me disse que, apesar de não ser da Piraquê e se chamar Julia Marie aqui nessa terra, o gostinho era o mesmo. Além disso ele disse que um dia ele me ensinaria a melhor forma de se molhar o biscoito... eu só não entendi por que ele começou a rir sozinho quando falou isso!

Hi everybody, how are you doing? Yesterday daddy introduced me to a snack that he really loved when he was little: a cookie called Maria in Brasil, but that he found here in the USA at, amazingly enough, IKEA sold under the Julia Marie brand. He said that it tasted exactly like the brazilian cookie, and he also told me that, when I am old enough, he will teach me the best way to dunk the cookie...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Apenas pra me Mostrar & Just to Show Off

Sou um gato ou não?

Am I cute or what?

Amish Adventure!

Last Saturday, Mommy, Daddy and I went for my first real outing: It was such a nice fall-like day and we went to an Amish Market in PA. I had a lot of fun: there were so many different things and people to see. Below are some pictures from the trip.

No Sábado passado, a mamãe, o papai, e eu saimos para meu primeiro passeio de verdade. Era um dia lindo de pré-outono, e nós fomos a um mercado Amish (tipo "A Testemunha") que fica na Pensilvânia. Eu me diverti à beça; Tinha tanta coia e gente diferente pra ver. Veja abaixo um pequeno registro fotográfico dessa minha primeira viagem.

This picture is one of the very first that we took as a family. This is outisde the market, where the Amish display their furniture for sale. NOTE: Daddy was sporting a new hair do - more like a hair don't!

Essa foto é uma das primeira que nós tiramos todos juntos. Isso é fora do mercado, onde os Amish colocam algumas mobílias para vender. NOTA: O detalhe é o penteado diferente que o papai resolveu usar... ele tava ainda mais engraçado!

Mommy was born in PA, and as a good daugther of the land she enjoyed and introduced me to various different local and exotic foods... Dried chipped beef, farmers cheese, home made pickles. The picture above was taken right before we ate some shoo-fly pie -- it really worked, because I did not see any flies around us!

A Mamãe nasceu na Pensilvânia, e como a boa filha a terra volta, ela adorou poder comer e me apresentar à algumas guloseimas locais, que nem vou tentar traduzir os nomes. Mas a foto acima foi tirada quando estávamos comendo uma fatia de torta chamada "Afasta Mosca"... que por sinal funciona, pois eu não ví nenhuma!

Just to show how well I can use a spoon!

Apenas pra mostrar comoeu sou "bom de colher"!

I Love Mommy too & Eu Amo a Mamãe Também

And she is fun too! E Ela é Maneira Também!

Friday, September 19, 2008

O Ataque do Bebê Carnívoro (The Carnivor Baby from Outspace)

Agora é oficial... O nosso pequeno guerreiro Antonio assumiu sua latinidade e tomou o gosto pela carne, e agora só quer saber de filet mignon, picanha, e -- claro -- fraldinha!

Now it is offical... Our little guy Antonio had a taste of flesh and really liked it! The fatter the better, so you can say he went right for the rib-eye!

Essa foto e vídeo foram feitos ontem, ele massageando com amor os bifes de contra-filé que o papai ia fazer pro jantar.

This is proof of Antonio's carnivor heart, as he lovingly massages the rib-eye steaks that dad was supposed to cook for dinner.

E o próximo vídeo foi a primeira vez que o Antonio comeu carne -- Peito de Peru com Abobrinha... ele lambeu os beiços!

The next video was taken while Antonio tried meat for the first time -- Turkey Breast with Squash... He licked his chops at the end!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Videos Novos...

Olha eu aqui de novo: Depois da ausência por mais uma viagem ao "oriente" volto triunfante às minhas atividades "blogueiras" e aproveito para postar mais alguns vídeos feitos nos últimos dias.

Here I am again: After disapearing for a few days due to anothre trip to Asia, I return to my bloger activities, and let me start by posting a few videos we got in the last few days.

Café da Manhã com o Papai / Breakfast with Daddy

Daddy is so Funny / Papai é tão Engraçado

Eu Adoro a Xuxa / I love Xuxa

A vovó Margarida me trouxe um DVD com músicas da Xuxa e eu adoro assistir por horas a fio... eu me amarro numa loura!

My grandma Margarida brought me a DVD with Xuxa's songs, and I love watching it for hours... I love blonds!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Antonio helps out in the kitchen

Ever since Antonio has come home from the hospital he has been very interested in what goes on in the kitchen. No matter what time of day he has to be with us when we are cooking and is very interested in everything involved in preparing our meals. We usually take time to explain each step in the process just like we are hosting our own FoodTV network cooking show and he pays close attention not missing a beat. Check out this video and you will see how intrigued he is.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Quick update

Just a quick post to let everyone know what Antonio is up to...Antonio's daddy is in Japan this week and he really misses him but he looks forward to talking with him on the phone every day.

He has also been really enjoying his solid feedings and is opening his mouth nice and wide, his favorites this week are still pear and now he loves carrots.

Bathtime is getting much more fun too, he is starting to realize that he has the power of the splash on his side.