Friday, July 30, 2010

Antonio e o Pato & and the Duck

We took these pictures at The Avenue, a local street mall... the have a few animal statues, and Antônio loved the duck.

Nós tiramos essas fotos no shopping ao ar livre The Avenue (o shopping imita uma rua com lojas... eles tem várias estátuas de animais espalhadas, e o Antônio adorou o pato.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sushi 2nite

We went out shopping and started to get late, everybody hungry... so Antônio had the idea to go for sushi.

Nós fomos as compras, e ficou tyarde e todo mundo com fome... o Antônio pediu, e fomos a um Japonês aqui perto de casa.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


While daddy was away, my grandpa came to stay with us for a few days, to keep mommy out of trouble... I had lots of fun with him.

This is the egg cup my Oma brought from Germany, so I can learn how to eat soft boiled eggs.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Daddy's train adventure & A Aventura do Papai

Oi filhote, eu estou morrendo de saudades... hoje o papai pegou um trem pra ir ao aeroporto, e um aviao de volta para Tokio. Voce pode ver como foi a primeira parte da viagem e da minha aventura no video abaixo... Te amo muito!

Hi Antonio, daddy misses you a lot. Today I caught a train to the airport and a plane back to Tokyo. You can see how was the first part of the trip and daddy's adventure in this video... I love you!

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Grandma came to visit us this weekend. We played in the yard, she showed me lots of cool things about taking care of the garden and we went to Ikea too. Oh and we also saw the 4th July parade in Bel Air.

Grandma also brought me this cool drum from Arizona.