Os médicos acham que isso foi devido ao fato do tubo do ventilador ter movido um poquinho durante a noite (Para quieto moleque!!!!), além de que não terem dado nenhuma dose do Versed dunate à noite, o que fez o Antonio ficar ainda mais
Tirando esse pequeno contratempo, tivemos ótimas notícias hoje: O Antonio rompeu a barreira de 1 Kg, pesando agora 1 Kg e 10 g!!! Além disso, ele está medindo 35 cm ... quer dizer, o leitinho da mamãe tem poder!
Aproveito para mais uma vez agradecer as palavras de apoio e carinho,que continuamos a receber através desse blog, emails, cartas, telefone, sinal de fumaça que todos nos tem mandado ... e por favor continuem a nos manter em suas orações, meditaçoes, pensamentos positivos, reiki...
Hello, today will be a very quick post as I am busy like a bee... Let me start by saying that we went to visit Antonio yesterday and he continues to do great on the ventilator, so the doctors had decided to lower the HFOV's mean pressure once again, now to 9.6. However, after a night without any problems, in the morning his CO2 level was a little higher, and the doctors had decided to increase the pressure a little bit, to 10.
The doctors believe that was due to ventilator tube moving a little during the night (You brat, stay still!!!!), in addition they did not give Antonio any Versed through out the night, which made him even more agitated.
Other than this small setback, we had more great news: Antonio broke the 1 Kg barrier, weighing now 2Lbs 3.4 Oz! Moreover, he is now 13 and 3/4 inches ... what can I say, mommy's milk is powerfull!!!!
I take this opportunity to say, once again, how much Sandra and I appreciate the words of support and love that we continue to receive through this blog, letters, telephone, smoke signal ... and please, keep us in your prayers and thoughts.
Grandes noticias,bjs a todos!!!
Fico feliz com o progresso do nosso Antonio.
É iso aí Antonio. nada de 3-5-2.
pra cima deles no 4-2-4. KKKK.
Tenho um amigo na cidade de Poá-SP que passou por essa situação.
Deus abençoes a todos vocês.
Odair Porcolino.
we love you guys. xoxo cjkh
I'm so glad to here how good Antonio is doing!!I've been keeping all of you in my prayers.
Jenny Masters
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