Domingão de carnaval, imagino que a galrera no Brasil esteja toda ouriçada, caindo no samba. Por aqui acordei às 7 da matina pra botar os cachorros pra fora antes que aconteça um "acidente," e ví tudo congelado... como não gosto de carnaval, eu prefiro a manhã gélida à catinga dos blocos e bandas. Mas enfim, vamos ao que interessa pois ningu'm vem aqui pra ler minhas opiniões sobre essa "belíssima manifestação cultural" do povo brasileiro...
Ontem, passamos a tarde inteira "com" o Antonio... apesar dele ainda estar sobre a influência do Fentanyl e do Versed, deu pra verificar que o retorno ao VOAF fez bem a ele. Os níveis de O2 e CO2 estavam estabilizados, sendo que o ventilador estava funcionando à apenas 50% pela maior parte do dia.
A melhor notícia que tivemos ontme foi que a dilatação do intestino diminuiu muito, e os raio X mostrou claramente que estava "cheio"... portanto, Dra. Bennett confirmou que o problema era resultado do fentanyl. Mas de qualquer forma, o Antonio ainda não está recebendo leite, mas isso vai seria reavaliado hoje, dependendo dele evacuar ou não durante o dia de ontem...
Como bom pai, eu expliquei pro Antonio que ele tinha que "mandar ver" ontem, uma vez que a enfermeira preferida dele (Bridget) estaria de plantão hoje, e que ele não queria que ela tivesse que ver o "estrago" que ele ia deixar na fralda. Dito e feito: a enfermeira da noite nos disse que ele mandou ver e deixou um presentão (vamos ver quantos eufemismos eu consigo usar nesse post!) na fralda ... Meu garoto!!!!
(B)Um detalhe do rostinho do Antonio... dá pra ver a cara de constipado do memino. A qualidade da foto não é muito boa por que ele está em "contact isolation" então eles tentam manter o "quarto" na penumbra e em silencio -- então o flash é proibido pra não pertubá-lo.
(C)Mas, no exato momento que tiraram a colcha que cobre a incubadeira pra tirar um pouquinho de sangue do Antonio e testar os niveis de gases, eu consgui tirar essa foto ao lado... na segunda, a mão da enferneira Jane já cobre o pezinho dele. Pobre da Jane, foi ela que teve que lidar com a fralda cheia... ela merece uma medalha!
Skindô-Lelê, Skindô-Lelê... agora vou cair no samba!!!
Bum bum, paticumbum, burugudum, our Antonio my people is this there, is this there.... (This is the literal translation (adapted to include Antonio's reference) of an old "Samba Enredo" from the 80s. It's impossible to do an actual translation that you would understand...)
Sunday and carnaval, what a combination. I imagine that most people in Brazil are going crazy, dancing the samba in the streets!!! Not me, for I woke up here in MD around 7am to let the dogs out (now you know who did it!) before there was an accident, and saw all was frozen outside...brrrrrrrrr! Since I do not like Carnaval, I'd much rather endure the frozen morning than the cornucopia of smells emanating from the samba groups dancing around Rio's neighborhoods... Anyway, I don’t believe you came here to read my divagations about this that is considered the "best cultural manifestation" of the Brazilian people... and there are people in Brazil that really believe in this shit!
Yesterday, we got to spend the entire afternoon "with" Antonio... despite the fact he's still tripping on Fentanyl and Versed, we could see that his return to the HFOV made his breathing much better. The levels of O2 and CO2 in his blood were stable for most of the day, even with the ventilator pumping only 50% of O2.
But the best news was that the dilated loop subsided and a X ray showed clearly that his intestines were "full"... with that, Dr. Bennett ruled out any chance of that being Necrotizing Enterocolitis and confirmed that the problem was due to the use of fentanyl. In any case, Antonio still is not being fed mommy's milk, but this will be reevaluated today, depending on whether he was "pooping" or not during the rest of yesterday...
As a good dad, I "had a talk with Antonio and explained that really did not want to keep that inside, and that he had to go yesterday. I told him "Son, you see, tomorrow your favorite nurse Bridget is back, and you don't want her to see the "hazardous material" you will eventually leave in you diaper... it will spoil the mood!"
As a good son, he listened well and as a direct result of my pep-talk, the night nurse told me that he left a "big present" on his diaper after we left yesterday!!! That's my my boy!
Changing of subject, above are some photos we took yesterday. (A)First, mom is all happy because she can drive she has been the "chauffer" considering the that her car is much less of a guzzler than my SUV.
(B)A quick detail of Antonio's little face -- you can see that he seem "constipated" LMAO .... The quality of the photo is not very good because he is in "contact isolation" so they keep the "room" dark and quiet so NO FLASH photography allowed to not disturb his majesty the prince!!!
(C)But, at the exact moment they had taken off the blanket that covers the incubator to test Antonio's blood gases, I was able to snap these photos... in the second one, you can see the blurred hand of Nurse Jane already has covering his little foot. Poor Jane, she was the one left behind to deal with the full diaper... she deserves a medal!
Skindô-Lelê, Skindô-Lelê... now I going to fall into the samba.
1 comment:
valeu IGREJA a melhor noticia deste
carnaval um abraço a voçe/esposa e
ao sobrinho querido ANTONIO.
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