- Peso: 1.770 gramas, oficialmente dobrando o peso que ele nasceu (875 gramas)
- Altura: 40 cm -- o mesmo que na semana passada
- Cabeça: 30 cm de circunferência -- o mesmo que na semana passada
Eu estou um pouco surpreso com o tamanho as medidas que me deram pelo telefone, pois o Antonio está parecendo bem maior do que na semana passada! Talvez seja apenaS pelo peso ... De qualquer forma, com o aumento de peso, apartir de hoje ele começará a receber 31 mL de leite a cada alimentação.
As promised, we just hung up with the hospital and here is the scoop:
- Weight: 3 Lbs 14.4 Oz, officialy doubling his birth weight (1 Lb 15 Oz)
- Lenght: 15 3/4 inches -- the same as last week
- Head: 11 3/4 inches around -- the same as last week
I have to confess that I am a little surprised with his "measurements" as he looks much bigger than last week! It must be the weight gain that makes him looks fuller... in an case, with the new weight, Mr. Antonio gets to eat 31 mL of milk in each feeding.
I will leave you with our other children getting ready for easter breakfast this morning. Eu os deixo como as nossas outras filhas, se preparando pra comer o café-da-manhã especial da páscoa...
1 comment:
the girls are so cute.
imagine when the three of them will be playing together.
the only problem is that as far as i can see they will speak english
cheers for you all
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