Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday's Update de Sábado

Hello Y'all, we are leaving to the hospital to spend Saturday with Antonio, but I wanted to let you know of the latest developments. As mentioned the doctors took his feeding tube out yesterday, and therefore he is getting his food orally.

The problem with this is that he is also getting his meds and vitamins orally, normally mixed with the food ... Imagine if you have some multi-vitamins or Advil sprinkled on top of a baked potato, sushi or steak, would you like it?

Neither does Antonio, and since this change he is having a hard time eating. Based on the faces he makes, spit ups, and cries, one can only guess that his sweet, tasty cocktail tastes now horrible!

Last night I tried to give him the bottle and he fought it for almost 45 minutes, and it was like we were torturing him -- Hey, maybe I should patent this as a new enhanced method of interrogation and sell it to the pentagon! -- and he ended up only eating beteen 45-50 ml!

Nurse Kate (again, another wonderful nurse in the staff), told us that at 1am he only got about 35 ml, and at 5am, he got about 50 ml.

Therefore, all through the night he ate well below the range the doctors wanted him to eat, so there is the chance that they will put the feeding tube back in -- we hope just to give him the meds and vitamins.

Oi Gente, estamos de saida pra visitar nosso pequeno Antonio, mas queremos deixar esse update. Como mencionado, os médicos retiraram a sonda de alimentação ontem e, portanto, ele está recebendo toda a sua alimentação pela boca.

O problema com esse arranjo é que ele também precisa tomar todos seus medicamentos e vitaminas pela boca, normalmente misturados com o leite -- Imagina se colocarem uma farofinha de Melhoral ou de multivitaminas no seu churrasco, você gostaria?

Nem o Antonio, e desde essa mudança ele tem tido alguma difficuldade em tomar toda as mamadeiras. Baseado nas caretas, choros e cusparadas que ele dá, só podemos concluir que o coquetel doce e gostoso que ele tomava antes se tornou horrível!

Ontem à noite eu etentei dar a mamadeira, mas ele brigou com a dita cuja por quase 45minutos, e era como se nós estivessemos torturando o bichinho -- Opa, talvez eu devesse patentear essa forma de alimentação como um novo método de trotura e tentar vender para o pentágono! -- e ele acabou só tomando 54 ml.

A enfermeira Kate que estava tomando conta dele ontme nos falou que depois à 1:00 ele só timou 35 ml e às 5:00 apenas 50 ml!

Quer dizer, uma vez que ele não comeu a quantidade receitada pelos médicos, existe a possibilidade da sonda ser colocada mais uma vez... esperamos que apenas para ministrar os medicamentos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look at those chubby little cheeks!! So cute!! He really has come a long way!

I hope you're using the BD RSV test- it's the best!! It happens to be develped by my group @ BD Diagnostics! And produced right here in Baltimore, (that is, until next year when they move manufacturing to China).
