Hello, sorry for taking so long to post anything... but we decided to put our house on the market, so we've been dealing with a lot of work to get it ready for showings, and (thanks!) a lot of people coming in to see it. Hopefully we will sell our home and be able to find something a little larger, so Antonio and daddy can have more space to run and work, without getting into each other's territory -- and nerves.
But in any case, here are some pictures and videos we took last week... Antonio had lots of fun on Easter day, hunting for chocolate chickens, playing with new toys, and helping mommy and daddy getting the Easter ham ready... the images mostly speak for themselves!
desculpa a demora pra postar qualquer coisa nesse blog, mas continuamos num corre-corre danado: mesmo neese mercado, resolvemos tentar vender nossa casa, entao todo dia temos coisa pra fazer na casa e no jardim pra deixa-la pronta para as visitas -- e temos tido muita gente vindo ver a casa, gracas a Deus! Entao, se tudo der certo conseguiremos vender a casa pra entao achar uma outra um pouco maior -- e assim o Antonio e o papai terao espaco suficiente pra correr e trabalhar sem que invadam o territorio um do outro!
Enfim, estamos colocando algumas fotos e videos da Pascoa... O Antonio se divertiu no feriado, procurando chocolates que escondemos pela casa, brincando com brinquedos novos que ganhou dos avos, e ajudando o papai e a mamae a prepara o presunto de pascoa -- a imagens falam por si proprias!
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