I know it's been more than a week, and that being late is not cool, but I need to acknowledge my vovó's visit during Christmas... The 12 days flew by, and can be summarized by this quick video:
Basicamente eu me diverti dessa forma durante os 12 dias... corri, brinquei, brinquei de esccnde-esconde, pintei o sete e o oito!
Basically, I had fun like this all 12 days... I ran, played tag and hide-and-seek, among other fun stuff!
As soon as she got home, she needed to prove that she was able to handle a boy a boy like me and played "pendulum", swinging me side-to-side, front-to-back...
Mas nós também tivemos tempo de relaxar e assistir televisão... o Show favorito da minha vó é "O Expresso Polar"... ela assitiu umas 25 vezes comigo -- EM INGLÊS!!!
But we also had some relaxing times and just sat and watch TV... My vó's favcorite show is "The Polar Express" which she watched at least 25 times with me -- In English!
A pior parte da visita pra minha vó foi a nevasca que caiu -- eu adorei brincar na neve, mas ela não gostou muito de ficar semi-ilhada por dois dias! Tanto que assim que teve uma chance pegou a pá e limpou nosso deck -- coisa que o papai não teria feito até o fim do inverno!
The low point of the visit, for my vovó, was the snow storm that hit us the first weekend she was here. I loved playing in the snow, but she had a little cabin-fever and as soon as she had a chance she shoveled our deck clean -- which daddy would not have done until the end of the winter!
Bem depois que os 12 dias passaram, foi a hora de me despedir da vovó com uma abraço saudoso... eu te amo vovó!!!
After the 12 days were over, it was time to say goodbye to vovó, with a sad embrace... I love you vovó!