Christmas time is almost here... Antonio is so excited with the season, he loves the Christmas trees and other decorations. Last weekend, there was a charity Festival of Trees here in our town, so we took Antonio to see all the trees and get into the spirit to decorate ours. Here are some pictures of how did that go...
O Natal ta quase chegando, e o Antonio esta super animado com as festas, ele adora ver as arvores e outras decoracoes de natal. No fime de semana passado teve um Festival de Arvores pra caridade aqui na nossa cidade, e levamos o antonio pra ver as arvores e comecar a entrar no espirito de natal pra tambem armar a nossa. Aqui estao algumas da fotos daquele dia...
The festival was at the old Armory here in Bel Air, and was quite nice... there were some quite beautiful trees and, although we were concerned, Antonio was a very good boy and did not destroy anything.
O festival foi num antigo quartel aqui em Bel Air, e foi bem legal... tinham umas arvores bem bonitas mesmo e, apesar do nosso temos, o Antonio foi um menino muito bonzinho e nao destriu nada.
Later that day, while Antonio was taking a nap, we put our tree up and started decorating... we left some of the ornaments out for him to hang. He was so excited to help us, and now every day he wants take down one ornament to play with, and makes sure that he puts it back in the same spot later.
Mais tarde, enquanto o Antonio tirava a soneca dele, nos armamos nossa arvore, mas deixamos alguns dor ornamentos pra ele colocar. Ele adoru ajudar-nos, e agora todo dia ele quer tirar um ornamento pra brincar, mas sempre recoloca no mesmo lugar no fim da brincadeira.
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