Friday, January 15, 2010

Birthday Pictures & Fotos do Aniversário

Hello, sorry for the long period of innactivity, but things were a little crazy around here for the last two weeks... anyway, following are a few pictures we took during Antônio's many birthday parties.

Oi, desculpa a falta de updates, mas estávamos num corre-corre danado por aqui nas últimas semanas... de qualquer forma, seguem algumas das fotos que tiramos durante as festinhas de aniversário do Antônio.

Antônio playing with his new Lego set given by Oma and Grandpa.
Antônio brincando com os Legos nopvos que ganhou do vovô e da vovó da Florida.

In the afternoon of the 7th, after his nap, we had Antônio's first party -- just the family: mommy, daddy, Sassy and Phoebe. He liked opening the presents and eating his cake!

Na tarde do dia 7, tivemos a primaira festinha pro Antônio, somente pra família: mamãe, papai, Sassy e Phobe. Ele adorou abrir seus presentes e comer o bolinho.

Antônio playing with his new choo-choo.
Antônio brincando com seu novo trenzinho.

On Saturday the 9th, we had a bigger party for Antônio, when we invited some friends and neighbors to celebrate... it was fun, and Antônio really liked the party, food, games, and company! Special thanks to Shannon for capturing the memories of the party by taking the photos.

No sábado dia 9, nós tivemos a segunda festinha, agora convidando alguns amigos e vizinhos para celebrar o niver do Antônio... foi muito legal, e o Antônio se divertiu pacas e adorou a festa, a comida, o bolo, as brincadeiras e a companhia!

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