Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Oi Gente, tudo bem? Por aqui, apesar das nevascas tá tudo bem... tá nevando tanto que eu resolvi sair de boneco de neve no carnaval daqui de Bel Air :0) Além diso, com tanta neve não dá pra fazer muita coisa mais que ficar em casa brincando! Masmo assim, meus pais ainda tiveram a coragem de me levar ao shopping center onde descobrimos tem um carrossel! Eu adorei...

Hello, is everything well with you? Here, despite all the snow, we are fine! It has been so much snow that I decided to dress up as a snow man for this mardi gras! With that much snow, all we could do is stay at home playing, but even still mommy and daddy took me a to the White Marsh Mall a couple of times to ride the merry-go-round they have in the food-court... I loved it

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